Saturday, October 11, 2014

How to acquire dog bites

Three separate incidents around the world last week reminded me of how little people understand dogs and what makes them tick. A baby in the UK got killed by a mastiff, a young man in Madagascar was hunted down by German Shepherd dogs, and a 4 year old boy got mauled by a pair of savage German Shepherd dogs in our own Lagos.The stereotypes are failing us. There are always reasons for dog bites, and 7 out 10 times they occur it's the human's fault. 

Most dog bites in Nigeria go unreported, but they occur. With the increasing interest in dogs, the frequency of bites will follow suit. Regardless of the breed of dog you encounter, if you go against the tenets of the canine society, you will get bitten. Commonsense is key. Always. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Job Creation in the Nigerian Pet Care Industry

The Nigerian Pet Care industry is comatose, the entire focus is on vets. No support services, thus animal abuse is inevitable. A lot of this abuse is as a direct result of ignorance, because even some vets do not know things outside their purview; something has to be done about it. Someone is training coders from scratch and employing them. Lots of coding to be done. This template can be used in all industries.